[ome-devel] omero web problem with 4.4.10

Aleksandra Tarkowska A.Tarkowska at dundee.ac.uk
Wed Jan 29 09:20:49 GMT 2014

Dear Harri,

I am sorry to hear you are having trouble with starting omeroweb.
Could you please send me output of 'bin/omero config get' (please replace
all passwords by ****) and log files from

There seems to be 2 errors in master.err

Kind regards

On 28/01/2014 14:04, "Harri Jäälinoja" <harri.jaalinoja at helsinki.fi> wrote:

>Hi Simon,
>thanks for your quick reply. Here are the diagnostics:
>[omero at lmu-omero2 OMERO.server-4.4.10-ice33-b112]$ omero admin diagnostics
>OMERO Diagnostics 4.4.10-ice33-b112
>Commands:   java -version                  1.7.0 (/usr/bin/java)
>Commands:   python -V                      2.4.3 (/usr/bin/python)
>Commands:   icegridnode --version          3.3.1 (/usr/bin/icegridnode)
>Commands:   icegridadmin --version         3.3.1 (/usr/bin/icegridadmin)
>Commands:   psql --version                 9.1.11 (/usr/bin/psql)
>Server:     icegridnode                    running
>Server:     Blitz-0                        active (pid = 4966, enabled)
>Server:     DropBox                        active (pid = 4978, enabled)
>Server:     FileServer                     active (pid = 4979, enabled)
>Server:     Indexer-0                      active (pid = 4980, enabled)
>Server:     MonitorServer                  active (pid = 4982, enabled)
>Server:     OMERO.Glacier2                 active (pid = 4983, enabled)
>Server:     OMERO.IceStorm                 active (pid = 4985, enabled)
>Server:     PixelData-0                    active (pid = 4992, enabled)
>Server:     Processor-0                    active (pid = 4995, enabled)
>Server:     Tables-0                       inactive (disabled)
>Server:     TestDropBox                    inactive (enabled)
>OMERO:      SSL port                       4064
>OMERO:      TCP port                       4063
>Log dir:    /opt/OMERO/OMERO.server-4.4.10-ice33-b112/var/log exists
>Log files:  Blitz-0.log                    391.0 KB errors=0    warnings=1
>Log files:  DropBox.log                    3.0 KB errors=0    warnings=1
>Log files:  FileServer.log                 0.0 KB
>Log files:  Indexer-0.log                  196.0 KB
>Log files:  MonitorServer.log              2.0 KB
>Log files:  OMEROweb.log                   66.0 KB
>Log files:  OMEROweb_request.log           0.0 KB
>Log files:  PixelData-0.log                5.0 KB
>Log files:  Processor-0.log                2.0 KB errors=0    warnings=1
>Log files:  Tables-0.log                   n/a
>Log files:  TestDropBox.log                n/a
>Log files:  master.err                     0.0 KB errors=2    warnings=0
>Log files:  master.out                     0.0 KB
>Log files:  Total size                     0.67 MB
>OMERO data dir: '/data/OMERO'    Exists? True    Is writable? True
>OMERO temp dir: '/home/omero/omero/tmp'    Exists? True    Is writable?
>True   (Size: 0)
>OMERO.web status... [NOT STARTED]
>Here are the omero processes now:
>[omero at lmu-omero2 OMERO.server-4.4.10-ice33-b112]$ ps -u omero
>   PID TTY          TIME CMD
>  4931 ?        00:00:00 icegridnode
>  4966 ?        00:00:34 java
>  4978 ?        00:00:00 python
>  4979 ?        00:00:00 python
>  4980 ?        00:00:26 java
>  4982 ?        00:00:00 python
>  4983 ?        00:00:00 glacier2router
>  4985 ?        00:00:00 icebox
>  4992 ?        00:00:33 java
>  4995 ?        00:00:00 python
>  5382 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
>  5774 pts/0    00:00:00 ps
>We run both OMEROweb on the same machine where the OMERO server is, both
>run as user 'omero'. This is the init script for web:
># omero         Start/stop script for OMERO web.
>#               Harri Jäälinoja <harri.jaalinoja at helsinki.fi> Apr. 2012.
>Rev: 20120430
># chkconfig:    345 98 4
># description:  OMERO web
>. /etc/init.d/functions
>case "$1" in
>   start )
>     runuser -s /bin/bash - $OMERO_USER -c \
>       "ulimit -c 81920; $OMERO_HOME/bin/omero web start"
>     RETVAL=$?; echo; [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch
>/var/lock/subsys/`basename $0`
>     exit $RETVAL ;;
>   stop )
>     runuser -s /bin/bash - $OMERO_USER -c "$Env $OMERO_HOME/bin/omero
>web stop"
>     RETVAL=$?; echo; [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f
>/var/lock/subsys/`basename $0`
>     exit $RETVAL ;;
>   restart )
>     runuser -s /bin/bash - $OMERO_USER -c "$Env $OMERO_HOME/bin/omero
>web stop"
>     RETVAL=$?; echo; [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f
>/var/lock/subsys/`basename $0`
>     runuser -s /bin/bash - $OMERO_USER -c \
>       "ulimit -c 81920; $OMERO_HOME/bin/omero admin start"
>     RETVAL=$?; echo; [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch
>/var/lock/subsys/`basename $0`
>     exit $RETVAL ;;
>   status )
>     runuser -s /bin/bash - $OMERO_USER -c "$Env $OMERO_HOME/bin/omero
>web status"
>     RETVAL=$?; echo
>     exit $RETVAL ;;
>   * )
>     echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
>     exit 2 ;;
>The script is probably not the problem. I tried also starting OMEROweb
>directly as user omero with "omero web start" with the same result.
>On 28/01/14 15:43, Simon Li wrote:
>> Hi Harri
>> Could you run
>> omero admin diagnostics
>> from your OMERO_SERVER/bin directory and either copy the output here,
>>or save it to a file and put it somewhere we can download it?
>> Could you give us a bit more information about your setup, for example
>>are you running both OMERO.server and OMERO.web under the 'omero' user,
>>are they running on the same/different servers. Finally is your omeroweb
>>init.d file one that you've written yourself?
>> Best wishes
>> Simon
>> On 28 Jan 2014, at 13:29, Harri Jäälinoja <harri.jaalinoja at helsinki.fi>
>>   wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> we installed OMERO 4.4.10. The server started ok, but there is
>>>something wrong with the web component. There are no errors when
>>>starting it up, but no processes are started:
>>> [root at lmu-omero2 ~]# ps -u omero
>>>   PID TTY          TIME CMD
>>> [root at lmu-omero2 ~]# service omeroweb start
>>> INFO:__main__:Application Starting...
>>> INFO:root:Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:ADMINS = [] (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:APPLICATION_SERVER = 'fastcgi-tcp'
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:APPLICATION_SERVER_HOST = ''
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:APPLICATION_SERVER_PORT = '4080'
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:ADDITIONAL_APPS = [] (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:CACHES = {} (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:DATABASES = {} (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:DEBUG = True (source:omero.web.debug)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:EMAIL_HOST =
>>>'lmu-omero2.biocenter.helsinki.fi' (source:omero.web.email_host)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '********************'
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:EMAIL_HOST_USER = None (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:EMAIL_PORT = None (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = '[OMERO.web] '
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:EMAIL_USE_TLS = False (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = None (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:INDEX_TEMPLATE = None (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:LOGDIR =
>>>'/opt/OMERO/OMERO.server-4.4.10-ice33-b112/var/log' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:LOGIN_VIEW = 'weblogin' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:NANOXML_JAR = 'nanoxml.jar' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:OPEN_ASTEX_MAX_SIDE = 400 (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:OPEN_ASTEX_MAX_VOXELS = 27000000
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:OPEN_ASTEX_MIN_SIDE = 20 (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:PING_INTERVAL = 60000 (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:PUBLIC_CACHE_ENABLED = False (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:PUBLIC_CACHE_KEY =
>>>'omero.web.public.cache.key' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:PUBLIC_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 86400 (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:PUBLIC_ENABLED = False (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:PUBLIC_PASSWORD = '********************'
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:PUBLIC_SERVER_ID = 1 (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:PUBLIC_URL_FILTER = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object
>>>at 0x1bf29630> (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:PUBLIC_USER = None (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:SCRIPTS_TO_IGNORE =
>>>'/omero/import_scripts/Populate_ROI.py'] (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:SEND_BROKEN_LINK_EMAILS = True (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:SERVER_EMAIL =
>>>'omero at lmu-omero2.biocenter.helsinki.fi' (source:omero.web.server_email)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:SERVER_LIST = [['localhost', 4064, 'omero']]
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:SESSION_ENGINE =
>>>'django.contrib.sessions.backends.file' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:STATIC_URL = '/static/'
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:STATICFILES_DIRS = [] (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:CENTER_PLUGINS = [] (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:RIGHT_PLUGINS = [['Acquisition',
>>>'metadata_tab'], ['Preview',
>>>'webclient/data/includes/right_plugin.preview.js.html', 'preview_tab']]
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:TOP_LINKS = [] (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:VIEWER_INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL = None
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:WEBGATEWAY_CACHE = None (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:WEBSTART_CLASS =
>>>'org.openmicroscopy.shoola.Main' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:WEBSTART_HEAP = '1024m' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:WEBSTART_HOMEPAGE =
>>>'http://www.openmicroscopy.org' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:WEBSTART_HOST = 'localhost' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:WEBSTART_ICON =
>>>'webstart/img/icon-omero-insight.png' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:WEBSTART_JAR = 'omero.insight.jar'
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:WEBSTART_PORT = '4064' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:WEBSTART_TITLE = 'OMERO.insight'
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:WEBSTART_VENDOR = 'The Open Microscopy
>>>Environment' (source:default)
>>> DEBUG:omeroweb.settings:INSTALLED_APPS=[('django.contrib.staticfiles',
>>>'django.contrib.markup', 'django.contrib.auth',
>>>'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions',
>>>'django.contrib.sites', 'omeroweb.feedback', 'omeroweb.webadmin',
>>>'omeroweb.webclient', 'omeroweb.webgateway', 'omeroweb.webtest',
>>>'omeroweb.webredirect', 'omeroweb.webstart')]
>>> 0 static files copied to
>>>(810 unmodified).
>>> Starting OMERO.web... [OK]
>>> [root at lmu-omero2 ~]# ps -u omero
>>>   PID TTY          TIME CMD
>>> [root at lmu-omero2 ~]#
>>> Any idea what could cause this? Version 4.4.9 works fine, this is
>>>RedHat 5. Please let me know if you need more details about the
>>> Best,
>>> Harri
>>> --
>>> __________________________________________________
>>> Harri Jäälinoja
>>> Light Microscopy Unit
>>> Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki
>>> http://www.biocenter.helsinki.fi/bi/lmu/
>>> +358 9 191 59370 fax +358 9 191 59366
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> ome-devel mailing list
>>> ome-devel at lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk
>>> http://lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/ome-devel
>> The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
>Harri Jäälinoja
>Light Microscopy Unit
>Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki
>+358 9 191 59370 fax +358 9 191 59366
>ome-devel mailing list
>ome-devel at lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096

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