[ome-devel] OMERO-Matlab: security bug

Sebastien Besson seb.besson at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 23 19:30:10 GMT 2012

Hi everyone,

Using Matlab 2011a and OMERO.matlab-4.3.3 under Ubuntu 10.04, I ran into
a serious security issue while connecting to my OME server: I do not
need to provide a valid password to access my data on the server.
Below are the commands, i use under Matlab

% Create client and session
client = omero.client('lincs-omero.hms.harvard.edu', 4064); 
session = client.createSession('sb286', '');

% Load datasets
param = omero.sys.ParametersI();
param.leaves();%indicate to load the images
datasetsList = proxy.loadContainerHierarchy('omero.model.Dataset', [],

Sessions with an invalid username return an empty datasetsList. I tried
with another valid user of this server and I could access the data.

I tried to duplicate this bug using OMERO insight and I got successfully
rejected when trying to login without my password.


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