[ome-devel] dataset.getname() gives error? Matlab

Munro, Ian i.munro at imperial.ac.uk
Fri Aug 17 14:16:18 BST 2012

Thanks Will.

That worked perfectly but I  but I now have zero understanding  of what I'm doing.
Which bit was the problem? the search string or failing to use the param object.


On 17 Aug 2012, at 13:52, Will Moore wrote:

Hi Ian,

 This query should load the Datasets

'select l from DatasetImageLink as l left outer join fetch l.parent as ds where l.child.id = '

Maybe even

'select l from DatasetImageLink as l left outer join fetch l.parent where l.child.id = '

NB: I noticed you didn't use your param object below.


list = service.findAllByQuery('select l from DatasetImageLink as l left outer join fetch l.parent where l.child.id =:ids ', param);


On 17 Aug 2012, at 12:09, Munro, Ian wrote:


I wonder if anyone can help me with this?
Given a valid imageId I'm trying to get the name of the  parent dataset using Matlab.

this snippet

ids = java.util.ArrayList();
ids.add(imageId); %add the id of the image.

         param = omero.sys.ParametersI;
         service = session.getQueryService();
         list = service.findAllByQuery(['select l from DatasetImageLink as l where l.child.id = ', num2str(ID)], []);
         dataset = list.get(0).getParent();

         datasetId = dataset.getId().getValue()

runs fine & gives me a datasetId that looks good (ie matches what I see with insight)

However this line


Gives me the following errors

Error using omero.model.DatasetI/getName
Java exception occurred:
omero.UnloadedEntityException: Object unloaded:omero.model.DatasetI at d0c94c0
at omero.model.DatasetI.errorIfUnloaded(DatasetI.java:22)
at omero.model.DatasetI.getName(DatasetI.java:668)
at omero.model.Dataset.getName(Dataset.java:218)

Any help welcome at this point. I assume "Object Unloaded" is a clue here?



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