[ome-devel] Who's who in Pixels?

Harri Jäälinoja harri.jaalinoja at helsinki.fi
Mon Dec 19 12:26:23 GMT 2011

Hi Josh,

> There's been some work on registering images into OMERO while working on FS, but one critical complication for iRODs is that in the OMERO implementation we know which files all belong together thanks to Bio-Formats. What type of data are you looking to do this with?

in our unit, we are looking at iRODS and OMERO manage data coming from 
high-content screening microscopes, a Leica HCS-A, a Cellomics 
CellInsight and recently also a 3i microscope that can also be used to 
image well-plates. I've been in touch with people at LOCI, and support 
for Leica and Cellomics plate formats is on their road map. About 3i I 
don't know anything yet, because I haven't even had the time to learn to 
use it yet.

If the setup seems plausible and other HCS groups here decide to try it 
out, there might be other instruments as well, Olympus Scan-R and BD 

>> bin/omero register --project="p1" --dataset "d1" /data/iRODS/Vault1/home/user1/Data/Screen1
> This would certainly be feasible in the FS system that we are working towards, but at the moment I don't think all the pieces are in place to let you do this.

Great, that sounds promising. There's no need to have it working now, at 
the moment I can just work with the Dropbox, just to get some more 
experience with OMERO. Since there is no plate format support yet 
either, I think for the moment I will try to learn more about OMERO 
scripts, to see if I can set up some image analysis.


Harri Jäälinoja
Light Microscopy Unit
Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki
+358 9 191 59370 fax +358 9 191 59366

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