[ome-devel] Developing a Java Client

Galli Vanni vanni.galli at supsi.ch
Wed Oct 20 16:05:16 BST 2010

Dear All,
I'm currently trying to develop an example of an OMERO Java client. I would like simply to connect to an OMERO server and view some data.

As starting point I have downloaded the OMERO source using svn and, if I have currently understood, I have:
- some examples in the server source 
- the jar files in the client source (in particular the omero_client.jar)

I was able to compile and run the unloaded.java example (which simply creates some objects and make some asserts), but I'm not able to run, for example, the sudo.java example:

Exception in thread "main" Ice.EndpointParseException
    str = "ssl -p 4064 -h <"omero.host" not set>"

Is this related to the argument passed from command line? I tried to investigate how to pass the arguments, but I'm always getting the same error.

Is there an example showing a simple connection to an OMERO server (using username and password) which can be used with the jar files?

Thank you!

Best regards,

Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana
Dipartimento Tecnologie Innovative
Istituto Sistemi Informativi e Networking

Vanni Galli

Galleria 2
CH - 6928 Manno

T +41 (0)58 666 65 62
vanni.galli at supsi.ch

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