[ome-devel] Zeiss 710

Rubén Muñoz ruben.munoz at embl.de
Wed Oct 6 13:46:50 BST 2010

Hi Melissa, 

On Oct 6, 2010, at 1:09 AM, Melissa Linkert wrote:

> Hi Rubén,
>> Therefore tried this with bfconvert, even when appending to existing OME.TIF is not supported yet.
> Appending to existing OME-TIFF files is, in theory, supported.  However,
> the MetadataRetrieve object used by OMETiffWriter must be correctly set
> up, which unfortunately will not happen by repeatedly calling
> bfconvert.

That's good news. I am amazed by how the project evolves from simpler to more sophisticated needs. Actually bfconvert was designed to convert I guess, but I was trying to transform Leica Matrix Screener multiple OME.TIF to one-big OME.TIF and then enrich the metadata. 

>> However wIth the latest revision of bioformats 7034 when I output the bfconvert to the same file consecutively, the file is always getting bigger in size.
> Yes, I see the same behavior.  It is ticketed here:
> http://dev.loci.wisc.edu/trac/software/ticket/578
> And, as usual, you have been CC'd.  I am a bit curious though: why run
> bfconvert repeatedly with the same output file?  Are you trying to
> convert multiple datasets to a single OME-TIFF file?  If I know the use
> case, then maybe there is a work-around until the above ticket is closed.

To give dimensionally to a dataset is my goal. Could one edit the metadata with EditTiffComment for that? Would a tool like EditTiffComment that modifies the metadata of many files accordingly be usefull? 

Another topic, I guess you remember about the Zeiss ZEN software,  multiple positions in the same LSM file are now supported. 
I recently found out that it also produces multi-file LSM datasets (without .mdb). I am getting one of these. I wonder how these files now about each other, but could be that they don't.

Best regards,


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