[ome-devel] SPIM Data Storage Proposal

Andrew Patterson ajpatterson at lifesci.dundee.ac.uk
Thu Dec 2 13:51:49 GMT 2010

Hello SPIM users and developers,

We have been in talks with various groups from the SPIM community, Single (or Selective) Plane Illumination Microscopy, about how they can store data from this new and expanding field in the OME data formats. We were fortunate enough to be able to look at some of the data people are already collecting and discuss it with them.

What we have now is a proposal of how to store the data in the current schema. We have a page detailing this proposal and a sample available at:

We hope this puts in place a file format you can store your data in but we would welcome the answer to some questions:
* What have we missed?
* Can people work with these structures?
* Are they sufficient for your needs?

Any comments would be appreciated,


Andrew Patterson
Software Developer, Open Microscopy Environment
Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression
University of Dundee

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