[ome-devel] Setting Pixels

Chris Allan callan at blackcat.ca
Fri May 8 14:55:58 BST 2009

On Thu, 2009-05-07 at 15:50 +0200, Bernhard Holländer wrote:
> Hi again!

Hi Bernhard.

> I'm in the process of writing a method to set image pixels. I have a
> few questions:
> 1. I'm following the cpp test beta3.cpp, is there a more convenient
> way to write pixels and metadata, like there was with the
> MetadataStore?

>From a metadata perspective you might take a look at the IPixels API.
Specifically "createImage()".

> 2. Are rendering settings and thumbnails produced automatically, or do
> I have to trigger that after an upload?

They are produced by either the Thumbnail or Rendering services upon
first display. If you want to do this yourself before a rendering event,
from either the Thumbnail or Rendering service, you can retrieve an
instance of either and call "resetDefaults()".

> 3. What is the purpose of the sha1 member of the Pixels object? I can
> set it to arbitray values and it does not seem to make a difference.

The SHA1 attribute/member/field is strictly informational. It's expected
that the caller update the SHA1 but not required by any portion of the
OMERO server or client infrastructure. As this can be a burden on import
and creation we are considering taking this out in the future.

> 4. Is it correct that the setPlane method of the RawPixelStore service
> expects big-endian data buffers?


> Many tanks for answers! Bernhard

Thanks for the feedback. :)


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