Hello,<br><br>Thanks four your answer.<br><br>First let me tell you that we are now trying to install OMERO beta 4.0.3. In the installation step in which we are supposed populate the db, still appears the last message but according to what you said it's all right.<br>
<br>We have tried to start the server and we get this error:<br><br>C:\omero_dist\bin>omero admin start<br>Creating c:\omero_dist\var\master<br>Initializing c:\omero_dist\var\log<br>Creating c:\omero_dist\var\registry<br>
No descriptor given. Using etc\grid\windefault.xml<br>[SC] StartService: OpenService FAILED 1060:<br><br>El servicio especificado no existe como servicio instalado.<br><br><br>Waiting on startup. Use CTRL-C to exit<br>...<br>
<br>I think that "El servicio especificado no existe como servicio instalado." it's a key line to solve the problem. In english that means "the specified service does not exist as an instaled service" :-)<br>
<br>How can I install that service?<br><br>Juan<br clear="all"><br><br>