What sorts of things could cause this error?<br><br><br>Importing bootstrap XML<br> \__ /OME_install/src/xml/OME<div id="mb_0">/Annotations/InstallationModule.ome [FAILURE].<br><br>Errors executing task: Error loading XML file "/OME_install/src/xml/OME/Annotations/InstallationModule.ome", see
CoreDatabaseTablesTask.log details. at (eval 201) line 1<br><br> at ./install.pl line 81<br> main::run_tasks() called at ./install.pl line 265<br><br>ALSO: I don't have a domain name setup yet on the server so I have been using the default
localhost.localdomain . Is this going to cause external connectivity problems in the future and/or is it easily updatable?<br><br>Thanks for any insight you can provide.<br>-James Picone</div>