[ome-users] Release of Bio-Formats 6.0.0

David Gault (Staff) d.gault at dundee.ac.uk
Mon Feb 18 15:44:53 GMT 2019

Dear all,

Today we are releasing Bio-Formats 6.0.0  This is a major update that includes support for the updated OME-TIFF file format<http://docs.openmicroscopy.org/latest/ome-model/ome-tiff/specification.html>, which now supports multi-resolution tiled images (so-called pyramidal file format). For more info, see http://blog.openmicroscopy.org/file-formats/community/2018/11/29/ometiffpyramid/.  This new version of Bio-Formats also includes support for the KLB format for light sheet microscopy.

Bio-Formats API changes:

  *   Java 8 is now the minimum supported version

Sub-resolution reading:
added MetadataList and CoreMetadataList classes
added a new SubResolutionFormatReader abstract class for handling pyramidal format readers
updated all pyramid format readers to use SubResolutionFormatReader
deprecated getCoreMetadataList, seriesToCoreIndex, coreIndexToSeries, getCoreIndex and setCoreIndex in IFormatWriter
added a new IPyramidHandler interface with the resolution getter methods
Sub-resolution writing changes:
IFormatWriter now extends IPyramidHandler (breaking)
added setResolutions and getResolutions methods to IFormatWriter (breaking)
added examples of using the sub-resolution writing API
* Tiled writing API changes:
updated IFormatWriter to use setTileSizeX(0) and setTileSizeY(0) as a way to disable tiling (breaking)
updated FormatWriter to set 0 as the default values of getTileSizeX() and getTileSizeY (breaking)
IFormatWriter.getCompressionTypes now returns the types for the selected writer only
Metadata handling:
added getter methods to MetadataTools for retrieving OME enumerations by value
deprecated OME enumeration getter methods in FormatReader
  *   Refactor FilePatternReader logic in a new WrappedReader abstract class

New file formats:

  *   KLB

added a new reader for Keller Lab Block (KLB) files
added a new reader for Yokogawa CV7000 datasets
GE MicroCT
     *   added a new reader for GE MicroCT datasets

File format fixes and improvements:

  *   Aperio SVS/AFI

removed pyramidal resolutions of mismatching pixel types
fixed exposure times, improved image naming of AFI datasets
displayed original metadata keys for each channel of AFI datasets
added support for multiple Z sections
improved file grouping and file-to-series mapping for multi-file datasets
added support for multi-resolution test images
now populating WellSample positions when present using Plane data
Gatan Digital Micrograph
adjusted endianness and record byte count for long values
allowed ROIs to be stored in DocumentObjectList groups
no longer creating an empty ROI when an unsupported shape type is encountered
Image Pro
added support for Image Pro Plus .ips set
GE InCell
added support for parsing minimum and maximum pixel values
Lambert Instruments FLIM
fixed an integer overflow error with large files (thanks to Rolf Harkes)
Leica LIF
unified metadata parsing to use DataTools.parseDouble
Leica SCN
improved support for Versa datasets
improved handling of very large metadata.txt files
prevented NumberFormatException for invalid double values
add support for parsing ChannelColor from metadata.txt files
added support for multi-dimensional .scan dataset created from Scan Slide (thanks to Jeremy Muhlich)
MRC (Medical Research Council)
fixed endian detection for old-style headers
Nikon ND2
prevented integer overflow when reading chunkmaps from files larger than 2GB
fixed handling of duplicate and incomplete exposure time lists
fixed chunk map handling when CustomData blocks are between ImageDataSeqs
added support for reading OME-TIFF with pyramidal resolutions stored as SubIFDs
added support for writing OME-TIFF with pyramidal resolutions
added support for companion OME-TIFF filesets where TIFF does not link back to the metadata file
improved handling of missing planes in TiffData
PerkinElmer Operetta
improved support to handle datasets generated by the Harmony software
split IFDs into separate series if the dimensions or pixel type mismatch
restricted use case for legacy TIFF JAI reader
fixed a bug with FillOrder which resulted in 0 pixel values
Zeiss CZI
reduced duplicate original metadata when reading a pyramid file
Zeiss TIFF
added support for AVI files acquired with Keyence software
Zeiss ZVI
reuse stream for sequential calls to openBytes on the same plane
updated all pyramidal format readers to consume SubResolutionReader
updated all readers to consume MetadataTools getter to retrieve enumerations
reviewed all readers and plugins to close open instances of RandomAccessInputStream
fixed some deprecation warnings in a number of readers
  *   for RGB images using ChannelSeparator all channel metadata is now copied instead of just names

ImageJ plugin improvements:

  *   updated the updater message in the Fiji plugin (thanks to Jan Eglinger)

disabled LUT writing for any plane that has a default grayscale lookup table
  *   added macro option to always skip LUT writing

MATLAB toolbox improvements:

  *   improved performance of bfGetPlane by removing an unnecessary data copy (thanks to Cris Luengo)

Command-line tools improvements:

  *   bfconvert utility

added `-no-flat` option to the command-line tools to convert files with sub-resolutions
added `-pyramid-scale` and `-pyramid-resolutions` options to generate sub-resolutions during conversion
removed `Plate` elements when `-series` is passed as an option
extended usage to describe available formats, extensions and compressions
xmlvalid utility
added new `validate` methods to `loci.formats.tools.XMLValidate` returning the validation status
     *   added a return code to `xmlvalid`

Component changes:

  *   ome-common was upgraded to 6.0.0

ome-codecs was upgraded to 0.2.3
  *   ome-model was upgraded to 6.0.0

Automated test changes:

  *   added `testng.allow-missing` property allowing to skip unconfigured filesets

added `testUnflattenedSaneOMEXML` to compare series count to OME-XML images count when resolution flattening is disabled
added `test-equivalent` target to compare pixel data between two files
added support for storing resolution index and resolution count in the configuration files used for automated testing
  *   tests now fail when a configured file throws UnknownFormatException

Documentation improvements:

  *   fixed the xmlvalid documentation page (thanks to Kouichi C. Nakamura)

improved the memory section of the MATLAB documentation page (thanks to Kouichi C. Nakamura)
extended IFormatReader Javadocs to reflect the reader guide
added reference to current Adobe TIFF specification
  *   switched to image.sc as the reference location for public feedback

Full details can be found at: https://docs.openmicroscopy.org/bio-formats/6.0.0/about/whats-new.html
The software is available at: https://www.openmicroscopy.org/bio-formats/downloads/ and will shortly be available from the Java-8 update site for Fiji users.
Any problems or comments, please use please use the image.sc forum<https://forum.image.sc/tags/bio-formats>.

The OME Team

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
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