[ome-users] CLI importing (arbitrary) file annotations

Colin Blackburn (Staff) C.Blackburn at dundee.ac.uk
Tue Jul 19 17:32:39 BST 2016

Hi Niko,

On 19/07/2016 16:45, "ome-users on behalf of Niko Ehrenfeuchter"
<ome-users-bounces at lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk on behalf of
nikolaus.ehrenfeuchter at unibas.ch> wrote:

>Dear all,
>I'm feeling a bit stupid but I couldn't find anything in the docs about
>importing file annotations using the command line interface.
>Our use case is to attach some text and Excel files to a dataset - is
>this doable using the CLI?

Yes it is doable from the CLI, I covered it in a workshop presentation at
this year's users' meeting:


You'd do something like this:

$ bin/omero upload analysis.csv
Uploaded analysis.csv as 275
$ bin/omero obj new FileAnnotation file=OriginalFile:275
  $ bin/omero obj new DatasetAnnotationLink parent=Dataset:51

>From 5.3 the slightly idiosyncratic output of 'upload' is rationalised to:

$ bin/omero upload analysis.csv

so that the returned value can be more easily used as input to other

The presentations are probably ahead of the docs here. I'll check if we
have a card and look at improving the docs with some concrete examples.

>Thanks a lot,



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