[ome-users] Feedback about clients.

Scott Loynton s.a.loynton at dundee.ac.uk
Thu Mar 17 20:33:33 GMT 2011

Hi Jermone,   

Thank you very much for all the feedback it is always really valuable. I have answered your questions below and where necessary I have created the appropriate tickets to ensure the issues will be picked up by the team. I am very interested to follow up on many of these points too if that's possible.  
Many thanks,  


P.S All the tickets created can be viewed on the OMERO trac: https://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/ticket/. With the appropriate ticket number inserted at the end. 

I've been spending a bit more time with the OMERO clients and testing them with some of our users, and have some feedback/comments that came up.  
These are just our views, but thought some of them might prove to be useful... This is based on 4.2.1 server + clients. 
- why is this a separate client? (I know this is an old one!) 

Jean-Marie has been working particularly hard on this. The integration of OMERO.importer is now much closer to release. We have been testing the new workflow in Dundee, and a preview version is available at as well a movie providing a general overview.  
The links are to these are: 
- The testing/preview version of the insight client can be downloaded from here. 
- ( http://hudson.openmicroscopy.org.uk/job/INSIGHT-trunk/lastSuccessfulBuild/ ) http://hudson.openmicroscopy.org.uk/job/INSIGHT-trunk/lastSuccessfulBuild/

- Client-Importer Movie is available under Sprint 7 - https://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/milestone/OMERO-Beta4.3  

We are at a stage where we would welcome as much feedback as possible so any further comments would be appreciated.   

- What is the difference between a comment and a description? 

A description in its own right is an individual's scientist definitive notes on the image.  
The principal difference is that comments can be added by different users of the system when the 
permissions allow this. A comment will also allow for a conversation to take place about the image.   

- Why does the "browse the selected project" not automatically happen when clicking on a project in the hierarchies as it does for datasets? A manual button press is required to create the project view in the workspace. 

This is not currently implemented due to the cost of calling all the image data. This is something, though we can discuss further as steps can be made to preview the amount of data shown. This would reduce the cost of calling all the data. I have raised the following ticket for this #4703.  

- There is no difference between CTRL + click and SHIFT + click in the workspace, this proved to be confusing. How can one select a range of images in the workspace without selecting them one by one? 

You are currently only able to do this action in the left hand panel. This will take some additional work in Insight to implement to allow for the selection. This issue and has been recorded in our review of the actions between the left and central panel in the data manager. And will be available to do in both for the web and insight (Ticket numbers #4702 and #4700. )  

- The special characters for searches, ? * ^, are not easily understood via the help. To be honest I still don't understand them fully either. 

This will need a separate review, and I would like to follow this up further with you. I have created the following ticket for this (#4707).  

- A play button for the T axis in the projection tab of the data viewer would be very useful. 

This would be useful yes I have created the following ticket for this (#4718). 

- Why are there two icons to enable the render settings in the data viewer? What is the difference? 

I am assuming here that you mean the icons of display rendering controls and display metadata.  
They ultimately do take you to the same panel as shown in the data manager but the difference  is that they show the tabs of general and settings.  We are currently reviewing all of the icons in the OMERO clients to ensure for consistency and clarity. So I would like to be able to discuss this further with you.  

- A tool to interpolate between two ROIs in the ROI assistant would be very desirable. 
In speaking with the team this would require the ability to compare to ROIs and move the same between them. This would require some work. The review of the analysis tool is scheduled in the OME roadmap. So building up the list of ideal background functionality is very helpful for me and my work to present when this work will be addressed.  

- Why are the default scales in pixels and not microns in the ROI tool? 
A good point the default should be microns with the ability to switch between scales.  
The following ticket has been created for this (#4717) .  

- Animated tool bar icons had a bug in IE 7.0.573.13 which meant they were not displayed correctly. 
The web client does not support IE 7 so this would explain the bug. You will need to upgrade to IE 8 
to see the animated tool bar icons.  

- Resizing the browser does not resize the layout. 

Yes this is a known issue and has been ticketed in (#4708) again this is part of the ongoing client consistency work.  

-And do let me stress that overall people did think OMERO was great and these are just very small issues that came up... :) 

We are always glad to hear comments as it helps us to make OMERO better. So do not hesitate to share your experience with us. 
Thanks again for your feedback. 

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