[ome-users] Building client for Beta 3.2 (better to wait for beta4?)

Mario Valle mvalle at cscs.ch
Tue Jan 13 17:00:35 GMT 2009

To solve the client/server mismatch I tried to recompile OmeroCpp starting from Beta 3.2 svn.

Besides the comments I already have sent to the list, I had to make the following 
workaround to make compile succeed (but not to have a working client yet...)

1) I have ice.home=/Users/mvalle/Ice-3.3.0
2) I had to add two symbolic links under Ice-3.3.0
	ln -s /Users/mvalle/Ice-3.3.0/cpp/include /Users/mvalle/Ice-3.3.0/include
	ln -s /Users/mvalle/Ice-3.3.0/cpp/lib     /Users/mvalle/Ice-3.3.0/lib

3) I have a PPC Mac, so I had to edit Beta3.2/components/tools/make.xml to remove "-arch 
i386" from the following line:

     <condition property="env.MAC_UNIVERSAL" value="-arch ppc" else="">

Well, everything worked. But at my client compilation time, there are missing includes 
(like RTypesI.h), constructs that do not compile anymore (like 
::omero::rtypes::rlong(100);). Anyway, maybe it is better to wait for beta4 to have more 
stable foundations.

But also the very minimal client:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {omero::client omero(argc, argv);}
called as: ./client --omero.host=localhost --omero.user=uuuuuu --omero.pass=zzzzzzzzz
crashes with the mysterious message:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'omero::ClientError'
   what():  Ice.ImplicitContext not set to Shared

Any idea? Or do you suggest to wait for beta4?

Ing. Mario Valle
Data Analysis Group                              | http://www.cscs.ch/~mvalle
Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS)      | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.60
v. Cantonale Galleria 2, 6928 Manno, Switzerland | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82

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