[ome-users] E-mailing users on the system, Cron jobs and backing up,

Alex Sossick ajs17 at cam.ac.uk
Tue Aug 11 14:50:46 BST 2009

Dear All

1/ Is there an easy way of extracting users e-mail addresses from omero to
send then an e-mail, (for example to warn about a shutdown or maintenance)
I would ideally only wish to e-mail active users, ie people who have used
omero in the last month for example. Clearly I can copy and paste out the
addresses at the moment, but as more users are added to the system this will
ot be practical.

2/ I was wondering if anyone has a script that could be run as a cron job to
make sure the omero server is running, and if its not running start it,

3/ Does anyone have any backup advice for omero
I am running the below script to back up the database and the configuration,
and monitor increase in disk usage, as a nightly cron job.  (I am about to
restore to a different computer to check this works)
I am also backing up the data (/OMERO/), the config dump and the postgres
dump using Retrospect ( http://www.retrospect.com/) nightly, and the server
itself once a month, or as and when major changes occur, this is to tape,
which is kept offsite.

NOW=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
DATASIZE=`du -ksh /OMERO/ | cut -f1`
echo  $DATASIZE " " $NOW  >>/cronJobs/diskSpaceOutput.txt
cd /usr/share/omero/omero_dist
chmod -R 777 /OMERO/backup/database/
NOW=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
bin/omero config export > /OMERO/backup/configs/omero.$NOW.config
cd /OMERO/backup/database/
/Library/PostgreSQL/8.3/bin/pg_dump -Fc -f database.$NOW.pg_dump -U omero
chmod -R 700 /OMERO/backup/database/
cd /Users/ajs17/cronJobs

(Apologies for my scripting skills)

All advice welcome,



Alex Sossick
Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute
University of Cambridge
Tennis Court Rd
Cambridge CB2 1QN

email ajs17 at cam.ac.uk
tel 01223 334082

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