[ome-users] OMERO installation

Chris Allan callan at blackcat.ca
Tue Mar 25 10:14:19 GMT 2008

Urs Utzinger wrote:
> What is a recommended operating system and java installation to get 
> OMERO working?

I'd try the Sun VMs Urs. IcedTea and the OpenJDK derivatives are 
unsupported environments at present unfortunately. If you can get them 
to work, great. Otherwise any Linux distribution, Mac OS X or Windows 
are supported 3.0-Beta2.3 installation environments.

Furthermore, as I mentioned in previous e-mails addressing your Ubuntu 
issues you must correctly configure your hostname to something that 
resolves otherwise the server will not start up irregardless of your 
installation environment.

> I have been trying to install OMERO on both an Ubuntu as well as Fedora 
> 8 on VMware virtual machine. So far with both installations I am unable 
> to get the OMERO to boot.
> Below are the results of the latest attempt using Fedora 8 on VMware 
> server 1.0.4. I used default java and postgresql using package installer.
> Following the OMERO installation guidelines I received the following output:
> java -version
> java version "1.7.0"
> IcedTea Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b21)
> IcedTea Client VM (build 1.7.0-b21, mixed mode)
> javac -version
> javac 1.7.0-internal

As mentioned above, IcedTea and OpenJDK derivatives are unsupported 
virtual machines for use with OMERO. We may look at supporting them in 
the future but right now with OMERO 3.0-Beta2.3 they're unsupported.

> psql -h localhost -U omero -l
> Password for user omero:
>         List of databases
>    Name    |  Owner   | Encoding
> -----------+----------+----------
>  omero3    | omero    | UTF8
>  postgres  | postgres | UTF8
>  template0 | postgres | UTF8
>  template1 | postgres | UTF8
> (4 rows)

... snip ...

> Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception creating identity: 
> omero.spx.arizona.edu: omero.spx.arizona.edu

... snip ...

As mentioned above and previously, you must correctly configure 
"omero.spx.arizona.edu" to something that resolves (either in /etc/hosts 
or otherwise) or JBoss will not start.

Thanks for your continued feedback!



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