function save_as_OMEtiff_Synthetic_Gated(ometiffname) % replace paths for your own machine addpath('/Users/imunro/FLIMfit/FLIMfitFrontEnd/BFMatlab'); nbins = 3; % No of time bins/gates % synthetic data % dimensions here are (x, y , Z, C(hannels) nbins ) data = uint16(ones(4, 5, 1, 1, nbins)) .* 200; if nbins < 12 delays = 0:1000:(nbins-1)* 1000; else delays = 0:(nbins -1); end data(:,:,1,1,1) = uint16(400); data(:,:,1,1,2) = uint16(1000); data(:,:,1,1,3) = uint16(700); %data(:,:,1,1,6) = uint16(300); %data(:,:,1,1,7) = uint16(250); %data(:,:,1,1,8) = uint16(210); tStart = tic; % verify that enough memory is allocated bfCheckJavaMemory(); autoloadBioFormats = 1; % load the Bio-Formats library into the MATLAB environment status = bfCheckJavaPath(autoloadBioFormats); assert(status, ['Missing Bio-Formats library. Either add loci_tools.jar '... 'to the static Java path or add it to the Matlab path.']); % initialize logging loci.common.DebugTools.enableLogging('ERROR'); outputPath = [pwd filesep ometiffname]; java.lang.System.setProperty('javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory', ''); metadata = createMinimalOMEXMLMetadata(data); modlo = loci.formats.CoreMetadata(); modlo.moduloT.type = loci.formats.FormatTools.LIFETIME; modlo.moduloT.unit = 'ps'; % replace with 'TCSPC' if appropriate modlo.moduloT.typeDescription = 'Gated'; modlo.moduloT.labels = javaArray('java.lang.String',length(delays)); for i=1:length(delays) modlo.moduloT.labels(i)= java.lang.String(num2str(delays(i))); end OMEXMLService =; OMEXMLService.addModuloAlong(metadata,modlo,0); if exist(outputPath, 'file') == 2 delete(outputPath); end bfsave(data, outputPath, 'metadata', metadata); tElapsed = toc(tStart)