function imageId = mat2omeroImage_Channels(factory, data, pixeltype, imageName, description, channels_names) if isempty(factory) || isempty(data) || isempty(imageName) errordlg('upload_Image: bad input'); return; end; % [sizeC,sizeX,sizeY] = size(data); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Channels only sizeT = 1; sizeZ = 1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% queryService = factory.getQueryService(); pixelsService = factory.getPixelsService(); rawPixelsStore = factory.createRawPixelsStore(); containerService = factory.getContainerService(); % Lookup the appropriate PixelsType, depending on the type of data you have: p = omero.sys.ParametersI(); p.add('type',rstring(pixeltype)); q=['from PixelsType as p where p.value= :type']; pixelsType = queryService.findByQuery(q,p); % Use the PixelsService to create a new image of the correct dimensions: iId = pixelsService.createImage(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, sizeT, toJavaList([uint32(0:(sizeC - 1))]), pixelsType, char(imageName), char(description)); imageId = iId.getValue(); % Then you have to get the PixelsId from that image, to initialise the rawPixelsStore. I use the containerService to give me the Image with pixels loaded: image = containerService.getImages('Image', toJavaList(uint64(imageId)),[]).get(0); pixels = image.getPrimaryPixels(); pixelsId = pixels.getId().getValue(); rawPixelsStore.setPixelsId(pixelsId, true) for c = 1:sizeC % k is channel number plane = squeeze(data(c,:,:)); bytear=omerojava.util.GatewayUtils.convertClientToServer(pixels, plane) ; rawPixelsStore.setPlane(bytear, int32(0),int32(c - 1),int32(0)); % nans = sum(sum(isnan(plane))); infs = sum(sum(isinf(plane))); if 0 == (nans + infs) minVal = min(min(plane)); maxVal = max(max(plane)); pixelsService.setChannelGlobalMinMax(pixelsId, c - 1, minVal, maxVal); end; end % %%%%%%%%%%%%% set channels names if specified if nargin == 6 && ~isempty(channels_names) && sizeC == numel(channels_names) % pixelsDesc = pixelsService.retrievePixDescription(pixels.getId().getValue()); channels = pixelsDesc.copyChannels(); % for c = 1:sizeC ch = channels.get(c - 1); ch.getLogicalChannel().setName(omero.rtypes.rstring(char(channels_names{c}))); factory.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(ch.getLogicalChannel()); end end; %%%%%%%%%%%%% channels names %; rawPixelsStore.close(); % RENDER = true; re = factory.createRenderingEngine(); % re.lookupPixels(pixelsId) if ~re.lookupRenderingDef(pixelsId) re.resetDefaults(); end; if ~re.lookupRenderingDef(pixelsId) errordlg('mat2omeroImage_Channels: can not render properly'); RENDER = false; end % if RENDER % start the rendering engine re.load(); % optional setting of rendering 'window' (levels) %renderingEngine.setChannelWindow(cIndex, float(minValue), float(maxValue)) % alpha = 255; switch sizeC % likely RGB case 3 re.setRGBA(0, 255, 0, 0, alpha); re.setRGBA(1, 0, 255, 0, alpha); re.setRGBA(2, 0, 0, 255, alpha); otherwise for c = 1:sizeC, re.setRGBA(c - 1, 255, 255, 255, alpha); end end % re.saveCurrentSettings(); end; re.close();