Dear list!<br><br>I've started playing around a little bit with the OMERO server api to upload images. I'm using the ome.fromat.importer.ImportLibrary and the OMEROMetadataStore. Uploading files works quite well but when it comes to adding information about plate, well, wellsample, I run into problems. <br>
First of all, the OMEROMetadataStore.getPlate[Well, WellSample] methods don't have any effect. <br>Thus I create the Structures on my own and link the image I get from the metadatastore to the WellSample with ws.setImage(image). When I try to save the WellSample, I get an security excpetion:<br>
<br>raceback (innermost last):<br> File "", line 107, in ?<br> File "", line 98, in create<br> File "", line 44, in createPlate<br> at<br>
at<br>....<br>ome.conditions.SecurityViolation: ome.conditions.SecurityViolation: You are not authorized to change the update event for ome.model.core.Pixels:Id_3060 from ome.model.meta.Event:Id_64341 to ome.model.meta.Event:Id_64338 <br>
<br>I've attached my jython scritp which translates almost literally into Java code when adding the type declarations.<br><br>For your information, I don't get this error, when I create the image on my own (without uploading a file), like this:<br>
im = Image()<br>im.setName('foo')<br>im = uploadservice.saveAndReturnObject(im)<br>ws = WellSample()<br>ws.setImage(im)<br>ws = uploadservice.saveAndReturnObject(im)<br><br>Does the insight client support the plate, well, sample structure? I could not see anything in that direction for the dummy images that I've created this way.<br>
<br>Thanks! Bernhard<br><br>