[ome-devel] How can I contribute to bio-formats?

Saren Tasciyan saren.tasciyan at ist.ac.at
Fri Nov 16 12:44:43 GMT 2018


I couldn't find any guidelines or technical help about contributing to 
bio-formats. I am a life scientist but also a Java programmer and we 
have some issues with Nikon ND2 files. I am planing to contribute to 
bio-formats to solve some bugs or issues. I was wondering what tools 
would you suggest for debugging and testing of bio-formats (besides 
cloning from github)? I didn't find much documentation. I usually use 
Eclipse. I don't have much experience with And or Maven though.

I would like to be able change the code and run it with FiJi easily. Do 
you have any recommendations or suggestions for the development environment?



Saren Tasciyan
/PhD Student / Sixt Group/
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Am Campus 1
3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria
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