[ome-devel] Trello Bio-Formats 5.6.0 board closed / ImageJ BioFormats Image Importer Plugin

Michael Ellis michael.ellis at dsuk.biz
Fri Feb 23 17:43:57 GMT 2018

Dear all, I am using  BioFormats.jar package to save and restore images in .OME.TIF format.

Sometimes my image channels comprise pixels of unsigned short pixel format. I would like to be able to store within the image the values used for normalising the data for display purposes. Is there a standard way of storing this normalisation data (and or LUT data) in a .OME.TIF file?

I note that if I use the OMERO.insight program to save and restore 16 bit images saved in .OME.TIFF it appears to save normalisation levels, since the OMERO.insight has the option to save the colour palette adjustment settings. However if I download the ,OME.TIF file back to my desktop and open it with the ImageJ BioFormats importer, normalisation levels are lost, and when displaying the BioFormats OME metadata, there is nothing to indicate that any normalisation levels are being saved. It is as if the OMERO platform is saving those normalisation viewing parameter separately from the OME.TIF file

Any help gratefully appreciated!

Michael Ellis

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