[ome-devel] listing wells of another users plate with Java API?

Jäälinoja, Harri Tapio harri.jaalinoja at helsinki.fi
Mon Feb 6 15:38:56 GMT 2017


is it possible to list WellData from a Plate owned by another user? The group is read-annotate, and the user I would like to use in the script can view the images in omero-web.

# the findObject call with the boolean to indicate allGroups finds the plate
# but I didn't find any way to navigate from PlateData to wells
BrowseFacility browse = gateway.getFacility(BrowseFacility.class);
PlateData plate;
plate = (PlateData) browse.findObject(ctx,PlateData.class,plateId,true)
println plate.getName()

# getWells returns an empty list when the script user does not own the plate
Collection<WellData> wells = browse.getWells(ctx, plateId);
Iterator<WellData> j = wells.iterator();
WellData well;
while (j.hasNext()) {
    well = j.next();
    //Do something
  	println 'well'

The idea is to create a image list with omero URLs for CellProfiler. I'd like to run the script in Jenkins (see https://github.com/Novartis/Jenkins-LSCI), and I'd prefer to use a dedicated OMERO user for this, instead of prompting the users for their LDAP passwords.

I'm using 5.3.0-m7.


Harri Jäälinoja
Light Microscopy Unit
Institute of Biotechnology
University of Helsinki

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