[ome-devel] Builds of OmeroCpp

Josh Moore josh at glencoesoftware.com
Wed Feb 25 07:45:12 GMT 2015

Moving this somewhat progressed thread to the lists. ~J

On 24/02/2015 14:14, "Damir Sudar" <dsudar at lbl.gov> wrote:

Hi Roger and Emil,

Thanks both for the quick and very useful answers. With a good handle on
how to build (or download) the OmeroCpp package and with the very useful
simple_omero routines, we'll be able to make quick progress on our
Qt/C++ image analysis application and should be able to show that at the
Paris meeting. As Jason strongly suggested, we'll continue the
discussion about using OmeroCpp on the forum or mailing list so others
can benefit and chime in.

The only additional pre-builts that I would like to nominate are:
- indeed Visual Studio 2013 (x64)
- Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS and 14.04 LTS (or just 14.04 if 12.04 is too old)
- and ultimately we'll need to upgrade to MacOS 10.10 but not really soon

- Damir

On 2/23/2015 4:57 PM, Roger Leigh wrote:

Hi Damir,

For OmeroCpp, we currently are doing builds of OmeroCpp with cmake for
several platforms:

   - CentOS 6.5, MacOS 10.8, MacOS 10.9 and FreeBSD 10.1

   - Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 (x64 debug)

   Note that the coverage here is more for testing a variety of
compilers and sytems rather than for their use to end users.  The
coverage can certainly be expanded a bit for the release job, and I'd
very much like for more platforms to be supported in the form of
pre-built downloads in the medium term.  Adding a release build job for
5.1 is needed.

I would have like to have been able to offer this for the 5.0.x OMERO
releases as well.  Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to backport the
cmake support for 5.0 due to it breaking compatibility in a stable
release due to splitting up OmeroCpp into multiple DLLs.

Which platforms are currently most important to you?  Is the above MSVC
Windows coverage OK, or is VS2013 also required?  Which MacOS versions
do you need?  And any particular Linux distribution versions?

Last week we also updated our Windows Ice build to add the MSVC runtime
to the release zips.  That went up for download today:

Kind regards,

On 21/02/2015 20:25, Damir Sudar wrote:

Hi Roger and Emil,

With Jason visiting us yesterday and the upcoming release of 5.1 and
with us having made significant progress with our Qt/C++-based analysis
software, I'm checking in again on the status of the OmeroCpp

We looked at your explanations how to do builds and that appears fairly
easy. It don't suppose that pre-builds are yet available for any other
environments than CentOS 6.5, right? Will a MacOS pre-build happen as

What is the current thinking about using the Windows builds? I see there
are successful builds on Jenkins. Any chance that we will be able to use
that with 5.1?

And then the most important question for us: will the "simple_omero cpp"
routines become available soon so we don't have to develop everything
against the raw API?

- Damir

<clip email thread from Jul 11, 2014>

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