[ome-devel] ID pattern

Grabmayr, Heinrich Heinrich.Grabmayr at ph.tum.de
Thu Jul 25 19:05:37 BST 2013

Hi all,

for saving OME-TIF images from LabView, I have developed a c++ dll. I just run the validator and it complains about my Annotation IDs, the required patterns of which I have ignored up to now. The schema I use (2010-06 [that was when I started]) wants the ID to look like this:
                ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Annotation:\S+)|(Annotation:\S+))
Could you please explain how I should read this?
\S are strings I guess
| tells me I can use the right or the left nomenclature
& both left and right of the sign???
\w ?
+ ?

PS: Up to now, I called them "Annotation:i" with I some integer. Today I changed this to describe the annotation, like "OffsetAnnotation:i". I guess that was wrong seeing the rightmost pattern possibility..


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