[ome-devel] OMERO account question

Baek Hwan (BK) Cho bhcho at cmu.edu
Fri Oct 1 03:04:44 BST 2010

What we want to do is something like...
"give me the most similar image with what I'm looking at now".

In this case, I wonder if I can compare it with all the images on the
server, rather than those images under my account.

Based on your comment, I need to think about more whether I go for a public
group or not.



-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Moore [mailto:josh at glencoesoftware.com] 
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 3:07 PM
To: ome-devel Development
Cc: Ivan Cao-Berg; Jennifer Bakal; Baek Hwan (BK) Cho
Subject: Re: OMERO account question

On Sep 30, 2010, at 6:16 PM, Baek Hwan (BK) Cho wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> Is it possible to import those images that can be public to everyone?

Hi BK,

There are several ways to go about having images shared:

 * shares in OMERO.web
 * group with (almost) everyone a member
 * public groups

Could you explain just what you are attempting to do? How many images in the
system? How it will be used and accessed by whom?

Each of the methods have different pros and cons. A public group ("rwrwrw")
may well be what you are looking for, but for the 4.2 release, we did not
throughly test public groups, only private and collaborative, and rolling
back could be quite difficult.

Have you seen:


which explains the various group permission settings?

> Or, can we create a session that can access all the images on the server?
> yes, please tell me how with a sample code.

There's no way to access all the images on the server at one time. Groups
were strongly partioned as part of #1434 (group permissions) to prevent
improper interlinking. To load all the images, iterate through each of the

groups = client.sf.getAdminService().lookupGroups()
query = client.sf.getQueryService()
for group in groups:
    print group.name.val,query.projection("select count(i.id) from Image i",
None, {"omero.group":"%s" % group.id.val})[0][0].val
system 567
user 0
guest 0
demo-private-group 1
demo-read-only 4
demo-collaborative 12

Alternatively, you can change the session on the group in the for-loop:

for group in groups:
    previousGroup = client.sf.setSecurityContext(group)
    print adminService().getEventContext().groupId

> Best,
> BK


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